The Author
- Zsata Williams-Spinks, Author
Zsata Williams-Spinks is a preschool teacher who has dedicated her adult life to educating young children. As an educator, she saw the need to help build confidence and self-love in children. She is dedicated to ensuring that upon graduation her students, will be prepared and have the proper tools to embrace one’s own culture and be empowered by it, accept, embrace, and empower other cultures.
While searching her ancestry, it was revealed that she had a Trinidadian heritage. Enlighten with this information, she decided to travel to Trinidad and explore the history and culture of the country. She became enamored with the way she was embraced by Trinidadians, as well as, the music, and the food. However, there was a moment when she observed a rainbow after a tropical rainfall. This experience inspired her to write a children’s book for her kids. Zsata has a student base that is extremely diverse. She felt it necessary to bring them all together. A rainbow was the best way to do so. Rainbows blend colors together regardless of their differences. This is where “There Is A Rainbow In Everyone, “ was born. She felt the need to change the negative narrative of immigrants and people of color.
Zsata Williams-Spinks is a native of Baltimore, MD. Now a resident of Granada Hills, California. She is the youngest girl in a family of seven children. She is a wife and a mother of one and she enjoy spending time with family.